Problems of deceived shareholders
We listen to any transmission, watch forums, etc. and we surprised, how they (officials: the pseudo-Communists and the pseudo-members of the Komsomol) fooled people from 1917.
For example, say: «We can not find Kirilenko M. M.. He lost the documents. He has no money. It 2 times sold, go and deal with it in court, etc.»
The kids and their parents shouting: «Give our apartments!», bureaucrats giggle in offices and expensive cars. The last words of Mrs. Matvienko on this issue led to shock: «If you already have housing, then we (the city) to refund and compensate nothing will! It is your own business!»
Any construction begins with coordination of the officials
A private matter, we do not argue, but about all under the order. There is no building without a certain number of documents, they are all made in 2 and 3 copies, but not less than 2 sets. Builder lost the documents, were stolen. What the archives of the committees were stolen, book of offices, cadastral plans and plans of development of territories; can't we find nobody?
All of the documents before going to the total approval are individual for each direction, including legal review. In addition to the correct contracts, forms, etc., always checked and fixed all the details, from banking and tax to the passport. After checking with the appropriate authorities legal service gives his opinion, which, as a rule, is decisive for the signing of all documents. All data is in administration.
If the President don't protects You, vote in the elections against him!
The main feature in this issue – we are selecting the President, we instructed him to appoint Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov according to your taste (the functions of the President of the Russian Federation).
The President's bad taste, whatever we do not do, but it's a right we gave him for 5 years and only in the elections can be taken out (transferred to another). The new President can remove Ivanov and another to appoint Kozlov, who will live according to the laws, and not as Matvienko and K (gang).
We don't mean Moscow or St. Petersburg, there is no fundamental difference: village, settlement, city. You're writing addressed to the head of the district, he'll say «Fuck off!» (by documents). On a personal level, and for this you can just spit in the face, accidentally sneezed and the flu epidemic happened. For this the devils-lawyers forgot to invent article and the punishment, because in front of them all bow low and sneeze at the floor.
Spat in the snout to official, preferably without witnesses (or one) and went on. Came above the result is the same. I. I. Ivanov does not solve your case, does not protect, does not settle, but only sends to the court or to hell. Asked the President simply, «Dear Mr. President, we chose you as a Guarantor, affect on Ivanov and a letter with the answer». Came, registered and all. Waiting for answers on law (the timing of the answers are different). The timing of the answers has passed, but the response and solve question no.
Take a paper and write: «President, we: by name thank you and each goes to the election to vote against You!» and posted on the Internet under the heading «Cases of President».
Accidentally representative of the President appears: «Sorry personally (President) spun (country great from sea to sea), sent me». Gave a kick up the backside Ivanov and others for the order, the machine began to turn, and you answer: «Well, that Guarantor is not made a mistake». But go to the polls together, as can a rogue be a Guarantor and all will be spitting 5 years and more like under Putin and Medvedev.
If there are no answers and solutions of problems, you take the folder «Cases of President»: 2000 people addressed, 2 decided questions (the godfather-in-law), 2 business partner Abramovich, Deripaska), and the rest by law do not have rights, only responsibilities.
The whole family go to the elections and vote even for the devil bald, just decided, but is not promised. From 1917 Russia is a country of liars and those, who only promises, but does nothing!
The executive branch knows what happened with your apartments
Why so straight and hard? The fact that the head of administration of district, city, region has sufficient administrative resources from guard and janitor, to the chief of police. Prosecutors and the rest of the power is not subject to the Head, but only formally. He (the head) and even over banks: over state banks - more, commercial banks - less;
but when you give the command «Attack!!» all done running, from commercial, it turns out even better than that of the state, and we hear that they can not be found the money of deceived shareholders!
Where are apartments whose land, etc. - all these things are the responsibility of the Executive power of the appropriate level, in each office know everything and a decision there are both positive and negative.
No courts. There is a failure between the parties. Gathered the representatives of the parties: the head on your side or in between. Found all necessary materials, let the experts of the administration, developers, and investors together to consider «what» and «how?» And then we will think together how to move forward.
If stole - return. Prices increased? How much, at what stage of construction, how much not enough money, what is profitability (the builders also needs to operate at a profit)?
Looked balances and costs for to complete the construction, counted the rest and made the General solution:
- Developers lower the profit to the average level in the city; for the complete the construction investors pay 50% budget and 50% - the city. Explaining: not mayor of his own pocket personally, but the inhabitants of the city from the General Fund of the city. Agree?
- Yes.
- Go work. No? Where?
The shareholders:
- The town is rich, let gives more!
The head:
- The city helped by fraternally; if you want more, spend a citywide referendum.
- Yes, we got carried away - shareholders agree and everyone is back to work.
As we go to the elections, then so we live…
And now it turns out the real nonsense, you are not going to vote, the President thinks he is God, the heads of lower position - gods; and all that is around them - their property. They pretend to be «fools» that can not find, and if it is said the head of the city, then repeat it on command. They will find any and will not find too (seen above), the main thing - to hear the right command.
Deceived shareholders will hear the right command and will get a new apartment only if the Government will see them in the Elections, not a faceless mass near the beer stand, hot performances in the kitchen, in the garage and on the pages of the local press. Do you think that this agitation for the Elections!? Wrong again! Your problem can be solved only together, i.e. to organize the process of economic activities and the content of the budget so that the city had additional income and the mass of commodities to resolve this problem comprehensively (3 parties: the developer, the city, the shareholder).
Always officials involved in criminal schemes with apartments
Today continues to operate the criminal scheme (the pyramid), someone always (will be left behind), money and square footage will end up in the pockets of scammers.
The sense of the scheme is simple: the money the Builder has collected from deceived shareholders; built, sold, ran away. Deceived shareholders go to the head, and he says: «We can not find». The head takes the money from the pocket of the city and gives to some of deceived shareholders, and for this he and law enforcement officers from the bankrupt firms earn huge money. Temporarily there is no conflict, money the city does not have, i.e. it is necessary to block the scheme, otherwise everyone not save. Where is the guarantee that tomorrow will not steal more? Why everyone else should pay for someone else's personal problems? Greed always increases faster. That's the whole philosophy.
From housing fraud there are many circuits and methods of the theft of apartments (roof over Your head) but none of them works without active participation notaries, judges, police and other permitting, registration and regulatory bodies. Gave the officer the right to state secrets, and from it the crimes are pouring like from horn of plenty. Who will run and catch personally himself? Nobody!
«All is flux, nothing stays still». The problems of the deceived shareholders, in connection with the irresponsible economic policies of the Government and the collapse of the ruble, adding currency borrowers on mortgages. The number of such victims is small in the scale of the country, but the Government turned its ass to deceived shareholders. Many former deceived shareholders have some children, they sold the apartment earlier, houses for original contributions. Bankers offer people to go live on the street, because lenders can't bear the losses, and they can't fail. The government can't order banks to resolve all issues humanly, but if the bankers are such poor and offended, then it is urgent to revoke the licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to conduct banking activities. To leave in the lurch (leave without a roof over head) of its own citizens - it is disgusting.
View the story as bankers kicked out on the street the mother of 29 children, most of whom are disabled...
Link to the source.
To create the most transparent scheme and cross control - it is challenge of the day. A set of measures to return the apartments to the deceived shareholders , garages – to car owners, taken away from habitation - this is the main condition for the return to the new government of public confidence.
To blame in all the previous government - it is harmful and criminal. This is the hot problems arose not at once, and as a result of fraud of the former government in especially large sizes. We must once and for all put everything from head to foot, and never to come back for this.
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