They feed children and the elderly by stealing food

Documents, evidence


Documents and part of the evidence one of the most sensational criminal case in St. Petersburg. LLC «PC «Childhood» (it is the same – LLC «TD «Rainbow») with the CEO – M. Kirilenko, as well as other companies have won tenders, then they deceived the whole St. Petersburg for hundreds of millions of rubles. Children in kindergartens were hungry. Suppliers were left without money. The system covered the criminals and continues to be inactive since 2007.

Original documents

Document 1-st page

  1. Statement to the FSB of May 27, 2008 from the group of legal entities. 1-st page

1-st page

To the Russian Federal Security Service
from a group of legal entities




In 2007, in the address all of the responsible persons of the state were sent documents about lawlessness in St. Petersburg (copies of the documents about the sending and receipt attached). Currently, lawlessness continues (copies of the documents of JSC «Baker» and other companies attached).

So far, except for documents (copies attached), The victims did not interviewed, no other action with the victims have not been made.

We ask you professionally examine the submitted documents and to give the competent written reply by the happening. Based on materials checking, we urge you to initiate a criminal case against us by any article of existing laws, or to issue certificates of insanity signed by the FSB (plus one of the certificates to give for the present friend of the President to Vladimir Zhirinovsky)

After 3 days plus 7 days (Express Mail) and in the absence of a written reply, we will joke and will return everything to one cent and faith in God to all victims who have suffered from this criminal group. We have USB flash drive (by the materials of joke of 31.03.2007, at the address, We apologize for swearing on the air. All digitized and charged by the energy in the several places, including through deep space, in the mainstream media of the planet for a week.

Prior to this period, we remember the words of Boris Yeltsin: «Take care of Russia!», and then Amnesia. We will not allow repetition of the Nord-Ost and Beslan in St. Petersburg.

Please send the answer to LLC «ATK Torgavto» and е-mail:, with the phrase: «Egregore is seething with anger». We talk only with Moscow.

The copies of the materials and documents attached to the statement. The documents arranged in chronological order. The evidence (55 pages) confirms our every phrase.

May 27 '2008.

Documents, proof (originals) The experts are leading investigation Back to top