The experts are leading investigation!
As knowledge and experience help to solve crimes, thanks to the Internet.
Life - is a game of words. An instructive episode from the words life «accidentally»(1) and «specifically»(2).
The land and the people were born – accidentally, land and people live – specifically. Accidentally in year are 365 days, but the events and the days are specifically. At home a telephone is accidentally, phone calls accidentally and specifically for an hour is a «la-la!» among women. On specific days the phone rings, specifically congratulate, and sometimes vice versa, for example, wife (lives alone) comes to the phone «we wish», «we congratulate»… and short beeps. Who congratulated, what wished? Perhaps bullies…
And then the phone rang and in the handset:
- Hi, is the flight weather? May we talk on the old place?
- Better in a new place, I don't have time, - and short ring tones... «PI-PI-PI...»
It's been four hours, two strangers accidentally went into a cafe № and sat at different tables, but in the cafe was very stuffy, they got up and went to visit, everyone went own way. Everyone decided to go on a visit to an old friend without an invitation Familiar them specifically not expecting, the appetizer was only. But each of the guests brought a bottle of cognac accidentally. From the bottle to drink ugly, we knocked on the door. We sat down and met, people grow, grow, someone is up, someone is growing in breadth! We commemorated the third toast(3)...
We are not talking about politics, about work is also, topics closed, we did not have time to talk about women, word by word and one of the guests asked:
- Does someone who offend our devils in Russia?
One of the friends remembered accidentally, someone recently from Moscow region requested specific assistance for St. Petersburg. We decided to devote 5 minutes for work.
men's conversation… (about everything)…
Guest begins to speak:
- Is he a muzhik (a man) or not?
- I do not know, a muzhik (a man) phoned. Go, learn, time went,
we will smoke…, - five minutes passed, conversation continues...
- What are the latest data?
- Yes – a muzhik(4) (a man), two muzhiks (men) confirmed.
- Didn't he become a son of a bitch? Exactly, is he one of ours? Didn't you mistaken?
- Exactly…
- Was he There(5)?
- He was…
- Who is he?
- He is a Muslim(6), - two guests looked at each other…
- Why is he alone?
- He left behind…
- Did you feel?
- Yes, we did, but deafly as in the tank(7)...
- Did you go to our? Did you ask the question?
- Yes, we did, The office(8) slows… The guest: |
![]() |
- Who commands the parade?
- As usual...
- Do you have the holes(9) in St. Petersburg?
- Yes, we have two. And you?
- And what do you think?
- Clear.
- How we work, everything flows?
- We have already discussed this issue, there are no other options... we put to the vote…
There was a moment of silence…
...Guests look to the sky, two friends look at the floor… It took 50 seconds... friend says to the guests:
- What do you think?
Guest shows to the clock… he responds after 15 seconds: The second guest: The second friend: The guest: |
![]() |
Meaning of words:
(1) Accident (philosophical category) – it shows the relationship between the real world phenomena. Accident – it is the point of intersection of the two necessities.
(2) Specific - certain, real.
(3) Third toast - the custom among militarymen to raise a glass without clinking glasses, in memory of lost comrades.
(4) Muzhik (a man) - in this context refers to someone, who did not betray in battle and did not run away from the battlefield.
(5) There - in this context, refers to the storming of Amin's Palace in Afghanistan (1979).
(6) Muslim - officer (GRU of the USSR armed forces), who was a part of Muslim battalions, which were formed for the assault on the palace of Amin in 1979, fighting in Afghanistan.
(7) Deafly as in the tank (in a figurative sense) - to no avail, hopeless
(8) Office (professional language) - KGB (State Security Committee) of the USSR..
(9) Hole (professional slang of secret service) - a person who is involved in a special operation, who can rely on, can help.
(10) Shell-shocked (figurative meaning) – bad and slow thinking person. In the literal sense: a man whose head was hit by the impact of the blast wave.
Dear friends!
During the period from 2007 to 2011, much water has flowed, we had to listen to many accusations, as You listen the sea of lies, spend your nerves, walk through the many rooms of the servants of the people… It's time to answer all at one time and the criticisms too, that we are wrong!.. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations gives you the right to information, and gives us the right to collective response... within the laws...
Our answer is a game by the big circle, we do not make excuses, don't apologize, how it happened, it happened, we always remembered about you…
For ease of reading and confirmation, we will introduce the concepts, processes, and so on, but pay attention to the key (keyword phrase) and write as a «key».
At first reading something will not clear (hazy), but then everything will fall into place. Be patient,
sit down on a sofa or in a chair comfortably, put the kettle, because the first time you do not overpower, and the second also.
Bends and turns will different, be prepared to buckle up as in the plane and on a roller coaster... We apologize for the grammar and punctuation, we did not study at the faculty of Philology (Translator's note: and on the faculty of foreign languages too),… we are devils illiterate… we don't know where the birthplace of the other devils, but we like version, that all Soviet devils were born on the farm Dikanka Poltava region, there evil spirit is especially strong…
…and we have no surprise...
But we will start from the time in which we live. In Russia, St. Seraphim Vyritsky lived (Vasiliy Nikolayevich Muravyov in the ordinary life), 1866 of birth. He lived a long and hard life in prayers and labors.
The elder had predicted:
«The time will come when not persecution, but the money and the delights of this world will turn away people from God, and souls will perish much more, than in times of open fight against God. Crosses and gold domes will erect, on the one hand, but on the other hand - the realm of falsehood and evil will come. It is terrible to live up to these times».
Scary is not terrible, but we survived... must live on, work and fight for a better life.
You can just pick up and go at a gallop... Our power doesn't like, when being criticized and falsely (in vain, unproven) abuse,so we will go to the facts in other ways, to reach the goal through a maze of lies.., through hardship to the stars!
For the first time, we said on these pages: «You can write to the Vatican to the Pope, to the UN, to heaven to God, but the result will be the same, null! We were wrong?!
Let's start with the science. There is such worthless science – philosophy! Philosophy is the science of life! It has three basic laws. One of them sounds is short, simple and not clear: «Negation of the negation!» One of the postulates of the same science says: «Nothing disappears without a trace, nothing comes from nothing!»
You go on the district administration, committees and other, but all chorus say to you, that they do not know the firm «Childhood» and runaway and other suppliers of the Budget sphere, as «Peterburg-Dietprodukt», «Smolninskoe» and other. We must trust the people in the chairs, they are required in order to guide us, and to defend our interests, and what they say, but it is better to learn the truth by clicking a couple of times the mouse of PC:
- In the report of the Administration of the Moscow district of St. Petersburg for 2006, The Head of Administration, Comrade V. V. Korovin calls and speaks well about the company «Childhood».
- On the site of the Moscow district
www: MR.SPB.EDU.RU you will see in the news bulletin «Childhood», «Peterburg-Dietprodukt», write a request to the head of the Department of Education of Moscow district, let she abandon all.
- «Childhood» poisoned children in the kindergarten №103 in the Frunze district, the Newspapers wrote.
- Representatives of «Childhood» were at the expanded meeting in September 2006 in the administration of the Admiralty district, the source is Internet.
Key: Kirilenko M M
Gentlemen Kirilenko M. M. older and younger know everywhere, we wrote who of them is older, he does not get out of the Education Committee and the Anichkov Palace, his right hand is S. M. Gubanenkov, left is N. V. Aleksakhina, and the rest of the assistants too much. Older Kirilenko takes part in the organizing Committee of the competition in the Anichkov Palace www.SRC.ANICHKOV.RU/position
Key: Kirilenko M. M. takes part in St. Petersburg Interregional Association of additional education by the address Voznesensky Prospect, 25, office 5 www.MADO.SPB.RU He was awarded the honorary diplomas of V. I. Matvienko and O. Ivanova, but they prefer the money. «Petersburg-Dietprodukt» fed Scouts www.SCOUT.RU After sending the documents to Moscow, Education Committee's website moved at the address www.K-OBR.SPB.RU, we feel that «the secrecy of the investigation»is at a height, but we do not take offense, we have this good enough, rewrite the whole Internet, we know where are the control files (censorship)…
Spectators of all ages should sit comfortably and relaxed, don't strain your attention, continuously watching every move and gesture, don't evaluate the seen extremely negatively, since Corvalol (sedative) and Validol (a medicine for heart pain) may not be at hand,
only with irony and a smile, with interest of the hunter and excitement of the pathfinder. Rubik's Cube is of interest to us, Tetris game takes us, we sit at the Shooters, Poker and Klondike for days… We think that our game will be more entertaining. No exposure, blood, intrigue and no malevolence, only that you know and without us. We'll leave the snot, tears, and anger... behind the doors of the auditorium...
The international community - the United Nations has recognized the St. Petersburg the most intelligent city in the world! We will support this title and justify not even a single time! In Yandex (and Google)…
Key: Mikhail Kirilenko
…We continue... firm «Childhood» was transformed by the founders in the «Rainbow», the founders added, where L. Vavilenko (General Director of LLC «Trade House «Rainbow» and the chief accountant at LLC «PC «Childhood») left to manage. If we talk about that Kirilenko M. Jr., no one did not know in administrations and committees - is «the truth». Was such a figure as Goebbels (the ally of A. Hitler), he said, that «the bigger the lie, the more likely people will believe it!». V. I. Krilichevsky (ormer Chairman of the Education Committee of St. Petersburg) knew the older Kirilenko well, but the current Сhairman (O. Ivanova) does not know him absolutely, that's that, memory fails. They do not know and younger Kirilenko, for this reason Key: Mikhail Kirilenko Thank-you letter appears on the screen № 1249 of 13.12.2001 from Administration of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg, www.BESTPRAVO.RU/PITER/
We will not kill precious time wasted... we follow by the documents... as of delivery (by dates) in those or other instances and answers (unanswered) from investigators and their supervisors. Each case is made by people, as they do, we see by the responses and by own pockets, who are these officials, it is nonsense retell the Internet, let's go by keys.
Keys: Piotrovskij, Zapadnaja Lica; Piotrovskij Andryushchenko
St. Petersburg police – keys: Piotrovskij, Zapadnaja Lica, www.SAE-NAROD.RU; newspaper «New Petersburg» www.NPETERBURG.RU and others, but the main friend for St. Petersburg police boss is keys: Piotrovskij Andryushchenko (the love till death),...
They know of Piotrovskij and in the Anichkov Palace, they spend the evening «Visiting of Uncle Stepa!»
Keys: Storozhenko 8 million; slaves of omon, killer known but not punished; st. petersburg prosecutor's office prosecutor Zajcev
There is another important pepper in this story. This is Mr. Storozhenko, the Head of the Economic Crimes Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg. Initially, we thought, that he started a game in secret from the principal chief Piotrowski, had to move the figure from the board by hook or by crook, wrote off part of the debt by one comrades, we're not involved, we said, it would be nice if the April 1, he was joking and we will joke, all honest. The joke turned out normal key: Storozhenko 8 million…
Read about the show off «The criminal community in uniform» of 05.09.2007, The gang of generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, slaves of OMON, Key: killer known but not punished (about the murder of the special correspondent of Magazine «City» Maximov by the police at the behest of the Chief www.SMENA.RU...)
The prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg key: prosecutor Zajcev… Were pleasantly surprised, delighted, all victims cheered up, when 9-10.07.2007 from the Prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg in the morning to the dispatcher firm of one of the victims of the robbery, a nice woman called and presented by the representative of Prosecutor's office, by the surname Astahova and said that she sends documents to the Prosecutor of Primorsky district! All under the law. But the statement says that all are in own places in the Central district of St. Petersburg?! From the famous detective series «The ZnaToKi (Translator's note: The ZnaToKi are experts. These are three employees of the Moscow police: Znamenskii Investigator, Criminal Investigation Inspector Tomin and forensic expert Kibrit) are leading investigation» and the Soviet militia (police) there was only a song-the anthem of the Russian police («The show off») «Our service and dangerous and difficult», and the rest sunk into oblivion.
Key: The scamp has a finger in every pie New newspaper
Is the traffic accident fixed at the scene or at the address where you live? That's it! We thought that this young and pretty secretary of the Chef so works, that to save him (the chief) time for personal conversation... We began to search in the Internet and found, that Ms. Astakhova in 2004 worked as an assistant prosecutor of Resort District, and conflict Kirilenko and Vinogradov, look here, knows well, this is a very rare case in the history of law, when the physical education teacher has falsely accused the Head of the Government and thrown into the street with his pregnant wife.
In the third week of May 2008 Kirilenko Jr. met with the representative of the city prosecutor's office in the café «Terracott», where Administration of Moskovsky district eats, conducting an investigation...
What are doing in the Prosecutor's Office in St. Petersburg is well written Key: the scamp has a finger in every pie New newspaper (controversy and debate № 8340), the Deputy of Prosecutor is A. Kikot and Father, the Head of human resources department of the Interior Ministry, help people to leave this world…
Keys: the colonel in a million; an attempt on the life of Razzhivina; Burdov Andrushhenko, why do we need such prosecutors
District departments (ROVD - district internal affairs office) of SPb... How St. Petersburg police lives and protects us are well and tastefully written here Key: «The colonel in a million»…
As they (the Central District Prosecutor's Office and the police department of Tsentralny district of St. Petersburg) work together, honestly serve and love each other key: «An attempt on the life of Razzhivina», Valentina Razzhivina miraculously survived, she led control over the investigation to the police Department Central district; appointed the check and shots were heard,... one word, they are friends...
Central District Prosecutor Burdov very friendly with Andryushchenko (journalist), he friends with all law enforcement agencies of St. Petersburg, contract in intimacy with them, www.NPETERBURG.RU key: Burdov Andrushhenko; the article «Why do we need such prosecutors?»...
You can check and collate signature of Burdov in our case (X-File) and affairs on the Internet…
Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow and back
About Arbitration written separately below, we do not know what, where and how, but the lion's (large) share of all cases of Arbitration of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region the new government must see, because too tricky, controversial, bandit solutions – this is a time bomb…
Federal Service of Court Bailiffs, a lot of information, the continuous negative, began to sue them for not taking action. The fact that no one walked on any claim of 800 meters – this is the result of the intervention of Moscow, at that time of the chief of Russian Federal Bailiff Service Mr. Vinichenko, former Prosecutor of St. Petersburg, a friend of Dmitry Medvedev...
About debtors on the Web site www.FSSP-SPB.RU; One rather heavyset woman was pictured in the photographs, on the Web sites «very similar to the wife of the Prosecutor» Vinnichenko, very strongly and persistently engaged in rock-climbing, adrenaline is not enough while her husband was in the service. We did not do expertise and photos, but if it is a fact, it is necessary to buy a crane KATO, so calm…
Key: Ptarakang
V. Evtukhov was defending the children of the Moscow district of St. Petersburg from the people. As an MP, he knows well S. M. Gubanenkov (his right hand) when he dealt with him over the theft of money, earmarked for youth tourism. If you're interested, look on the Internet key: Ptarakang and it will tell You all the details and schemes of loss of budgetary funds, by the way, on the eve of the 2007 election, and more precisely in 2006, to S. M. Gubanenkov gave 150 million from St. Petersburg budget for children's tourism; Are your children travel often? And their children are often… V. Evtukhov is already in Moscow, means serious business starts, he will dismiss from the position all the idlers and jail the criminals…
The main organizer of the competition is the Economy Committee… (Voznesensky Prospect, 16)...
Key: Sergei Bodrunov I can buy channel 5
About all the officials and their offices to tell it's foolishly, but of the Committee's atmosphere and its owners you can to understand, after reading about one episode key: Sergei Bodrunov «I can buy channel 5». Offices and functional responsibilities distributed so, that Arkhipov was responsible for the organization of tenders for catering at that time, he has a huge shopping complex on Savushkina street, 141; for honestly earned money, he and his son crank the scam with lotteries; grandson goes on climbing wall at a known address; cops-generals can not deal here, because they dealt with vodka, and Arkhipov issues licenses. Arkhipov's efforts and abilities noticed and appreciated after letters to the President about the looting in St. Petersburg. Putin gives to the official of 5 th hand in St. Petersburg (the education sailor main job - the THIEF) the chair the 2nd person in Russian agriculture, the 1st Deputy Minister, and then they looking for stolen 150 combine harvesters (Putin-Tkachev). Arkhipov! Where is our % for advertising??!
Keys: Mityanina Anichkov Palace, Mityanina President
Valentina Matvienko is the main manager of funds of the budget of St. Petersburg... Mr. Burenin is the main controller of the money from the government's Financial Control Committee. Burenin checked Application-complaint of «BAKER» and other, they did not find violations and on behalf of the Governor of the criminal capital the Head of the Legal Committee Mityanina gives the answer…
«We don't know anyone, don't know, it's okay, wait for a deal in the next life…» The Head of the Legal Committee is the right hand of the Governor in all matters, she knows all the procedures and details of the mechanism, because she writes it in orders… and can't she find?!...
Write Key: Mityanina Anichkov Palace, she's on there often, knows O. Ivanova. It is clear to anyone, but she in the Board of Trustees of the Palace, ie she must to protect, instead of searching and the more demand repayment, to punish… Now to You and «I do not know, I do not find»!
and Russian President knows Mityanina, key: Mityanina President and read the article «To whom to give the order, to whom to give a medal, and to whom to give the honorary diploma» on www.KONKRETNO.RU/2011/08/17... Reward here and of the Head (now) of the Vyborg district K. Shmelev, former Head of the Admiralty district of St. Petersburg, the comrade of M. M. Kirilenko on robbery of the suppliers…
J. Rimmer is the Chief inspector of the «Public Chamber of St. Petersburg» a member of the «United Russia». Nil!
Key: Lopatnikov the national bolsheviks
The Chief Inspector from the public is some obscure organization «Civil Control». Functions no, obligations no, what got it into his head, powers no, leverage no, questionable financing. Main responsibility is the monitoring of corruption of regional mass media (www.GKONTROL.RU). Didn't have enough space for rogues in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg or in the Smolny, they did a «reading-room», such ideas come under the influence of 40-degree drinks.
From the people, ie, from you and us (voters) protects and controls all financial activities of the Administration of St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, headed by V. A. Tyulpanov (since most of the «United Russia»). Just this job organizes and leads V. S. Lopatnikov, born in 1964. He graduated from the Sanitary Institute, Coordinator of the «United Russia» in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, sport. V.Tyulpanov named the new head of the Accounts Chamber (AC) by «decent man»; where are such in the «United Russia» we do not understand? (Kommersant St. Petersburg № 98 dated 07.06.2007), he came from the position of the Chief physician of SES (Sanitary Epidemiological Service), those he knows of Kirilenko Jr. personally by the event in the Military Space Academy named Mozhaiskogo... V. Lopatnikov says: «Every ruble must work for the residents of St. Petersburg» (www: E-SPB.INFO; ЗАКС.РУ), how much pathos, how many desire to work for the good of the people. He upholds honesty and integrity of the «United Russia» in the battle against the national Bolsheviks of St. Petersburg. Key: «Lopatnikov the national bolsheviks», the article «Sickle against hammer», www.KASPAROV.RU www.NBP-INFO.RU... Vadim Lopatnikov is the coordinator of the faction «United Russia» beat the National Bolshevik in the Mariinsky Palace in front of journalists, the National Bolsheviks came to say that all thieves... there is no smoke without fire; hit the nail on the head!
We are all the time on the Internet... let`s have some rest... there were and car chases and detective stories...
Any official is designed so that he cherishes armchair more than own life on the battlefield. But paper and comma saves his always and everywhere, his paper's soul...
We find out who sits where in the chairs personally, we know how move paper, taught to steal.. We specify who and where the person on the interesting for us place, all learned, it all fits, should to recognize and intercept all, where is the document and its contents at least, no one has canceled an official secret… we take recommendations, we come to visit, «Hello, we have a problem-question. What will it cost with the recommendations of friends from college?»
The wife «stretched out on the parquet» (helped her husband with his career in the offices) of her school's companion and she made him a great man, we are nothing for him… he pouted, he showed the self-conceit, but he put tea on the table… we ask, how many 5-10-15 thousands need for cognac..., and he answers us: «I do not drink tea without lemon» (translator's note: lemon in slang means a million), first we did not understand, and then we were confused; Well, to give 30 thousand rubles it is a ceiling (maximum) (where are from kids such money to collect?), but ONE MILLION rubles, we do not Goznak factory, well, you have requests in St. Petersburg! Thanks for the tea... Guests came, looked at each other cute, friend does not understand, we went to the shops «Young Technician», building materials, what junk we found, we called a couple of toggle to switch on.
Two weeks later we called to the bureaucrat with the proposal to watch together with wife a movie about love on the side with comments… bureaucrat's wife was cute in her youth, but with a very cool character, if she starts to deal with the plot on the disk… The bureaucrat became a friend immediately and he remembered the lieutenant's oath for drinking of coffee with cognac (he's fixed)… we described the situation, look and do not miss, otherwise the wife will judge you on the laws of war… well, we started the rumor about the FSB… As they began to look for the money of kids in 1.5 years you will see further, here is the detective... After the may holidays 2008 RONO (The district Department of education) Moscow district passed all the materials for «Childhood» from 10 to 20 may 2008, with a statement about the search of the villain in the police Department of Moscow district of St. Petersburg (the chief Y. Kuksov prior to this Position he was chief of the criminal investigation), he is looking for... with 28.03.2008 year, probably by now.
The documents with signature of the head went into the accounts Chamber of the legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from RONO in the Moscow district of St. Petersburg. The story in documents is such:
The company «Childhood» before as to escape wrote a letter, that another firm № will pay for it for the amount of 990.000 rubles, nobody saw this firm and the contract of assignment of debt is not – this is triple contract, here all on one page with print of Kirilenko. It suits all! more than a year passes, money cashed, divided and spent, but it begins to warm up… Regional Department of Education (RONO) of the Moscow region takes the letter of guarantee Kirilenko and requires from a firm № of return 990.000 rubles or court; well, those eyes are on the forehead, we did not take and did not receive anything; signatures, seals are nowhere; other stole but... will they in jail? They fuck off everyone…
Kirilenko could enter the details of any firm and you owe them 990,000 rubles; Nobody was going to deliver anything for this money, time has passed, The new fiscal year started and money said «bye-bye»... Another curious thing was there: RONO accidentally transferred 870,000 rubles from the children's budget to the «Off-balance-sheet account», those it is a personal account of the district head Vladimir Korovin (theft with one money order), but the mistake after a year accidentally noticed and quickly corrected… and applications on more than 20 pages… to the Control and Accounts Chamber of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. The check results on www.KSP.ASSEMBLY.SPB.RU in the section expert-analytical activities for 2008 (operational control) was the information about the check of «CHILDHOOD» by one line and with resolution (decision):
«Irretrievably lost». We do not copy such things, and do not collect, this is more interesting to Zadornov (Satirist), and who is very interesting, the first page material to the Control and Audit Chamber of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg read literally, to Vladimir Zhirinovsky (he personally has the only person in Moscow who received it under the signature of 27.05.2008, see case) or as it is necessary to request Lopatnikov and other.
Better for people to not go to rallies but websites to read KSP (see above): horse Club «Komarovo» got money - 464.000, no money, the papers on the purchase of fodder no; Did they feed horses? It is not clear, 375.000 rubles they were drinking in the «Cultural center» at the municipal Department of internal Affairs; they did not do repairs in the police department in 2006, but 3,058,000 rubles said «bye-bye»; N. A. Petrova («A social Food of the population», a friend of Kirilenko) she's modest, she did not the repair at 1,500,000 rubles, but the money said «bye-bye»… Mihalich builds... One stroke of the pen, and the apartment is ready…
Now reports are interesting, but we read all of the years 2007-2008... we can't not write...
The low percentage of budget implementation, planned for the 1st quarter of 2007, noted in the following sections: The fight against homelessness, guardianship – 55,2%, not spent funds in the amount of 5.574.900 rubles, including prevention of offences. They could buy mobile baths for the homeless, they could to transport the mobile bath in the city on schedule; is it not caring about people? no, should be better at the end of the reporting period to transfer the money to the off balance sheet and put the money in own pocket…
One significant issue for residents of the country. To your questions the authorities may and not respond, but on the written request of the Deputy of any level obliged to respond to audits and other under questions. Let deputies write the inquiry to Lopatnikov and other – it is a collective appeal, but not the whim of Petrov-Ivanov (popular surnames in Russia)...
Just any event not happen and do not send the Smolensk OMON (riot police) across the country. Smolensk OMON drove to St. Petersburg to fight with terrorists-grandmothers, any other human trash and for disperse the rally. At the rally-march of the people (and not cattle) have put forward only two (we emphasize, that only two) common requirements:
- The first it is the rejection of the construction of Okhta Center,
- Second it is the check of the whole financial and economic activity of the Administration of St. Petersburg with the participation of the public,
everything just, let's check out the people's money together, you («United Russia») don't steal, but control…
Only the second requirement was heard in Moscow and directly from the Guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation President of Vladimir Putin went the hard order: «To disperse the crowd, crush any forces and means in the bud!!!»
Key: Smolensk OMON Alexey Dyachenko
And what are you so excited?, you («United Russia») do not steal!... For the Government of St. Petersburg it's resignation and a prison for a long time, and people will come in other regions with such requirements it's the resignation and a prison of the entire government in full for long periods… To the Smolensk OMON thanks for the brilliant execution of orders of President Vladimir Putin! Did you get the money awards, the medals, the certificates, the Commander's watch...?
When your children and others are robbed as St. Petersburg residents, we will file to YOU on the condoms, potatoes and toiletries. We ask that you and your children do not send the alms for robbed children in St. Petersburg, leave it for yourself, heal the wounds of the St. Petersburg trip to pacify grandmothers. The friends from the USA have a sensible offer to the OMON (RIOT police): Let's you beat the children, who were robbed by «United Russia», that they do not naughty on the chamber pot; the list of terrorists, see «Little tragedies is merrily!!» If there is not enough, we will continue to the list «Get them in the toilet».
About the heroism of the Smolensk OMON – key: Smolensk OMON Alexey Dyachenko…
You may consult to the local Federal Security Service of St. Petersburg only for tick… General A. Ruchev is the protege of General Nikolai Patrushev, we can not talk about a person badly and we are not talking, and look… one fact from the past life of A. Ruchev… Serving in Karelia, deputies addressed him with a request to find 88 million rubles, which disappeared from the road fund... Did he find?.. He does not sleep at night, he thinks, he asks for advice from Patrushev… Gentlemen readers, budget money is all there on paper and go through tenders and banks, where are the lawyers and many other eyes...
On a simple sheet of paper may to write to the Bank: «Asking you to check on the application (order) of deputies in the period up to grant all the transfers in the accounts… to the ultimate recipient of funds…», It used to be a very long time with paper carriers, now the Enter-2-5 times to press and all... Perhaps A. Ruchev found and returned the money to the villagers for the road, but we have not heard about it...
It seems that in Karelia becomes ripe the next financial scandal. The Committee on construction and maintenance of roads risks being in the center of the scandal again.
The head of the local government Lahdenpohskij region Mikhail Maximov sent an appeal to the head of the FSB in Karelia to Andrew Ruchev with a request to investigate, what happened to the 88 million roubles of Federal subventions, given for asphalting of Lahdenpohskij road section St.Petersburg - Sortavala length of 31 km.
In 2001, the subvention has been allocated from the federal budget; however, no work, as pointed out by Michael Maximov, was carried out – asphalt as there was no, so and no. The road is broken; faster than 30 kilometers per hour, moving through it is impossible. The poor condition of the road negatively affects the economic development of the area assigned to him, notes Maksimov.
In 2002, analyzing the results of execution of the budget 2001, the Chamber of the Republic of the Karelian Parliament pointed to the misuse of 88 million. What happened to the money, then they could not figure out.
Ruchev has personal business with Mikhalchenko now (The governor 24 hours), and are you…
Mikhalchenko, we have a proposal to discuss and close the topic about defeat like human beings, we have time…
Andrej Mazos (he was a Deputy on the fight against corruption) has a lot of real estate not on a salary, he takes with him the team their girls abroad for vacation twice a year, he lives brightly and interesting, why would to him need OUR CHILDREN, he drank alcohol at restaurants within 2 weeks after dismissal...
Key: The higher ranks of St. petersburg are the participants scam five-year plans
We finish… In the framework of the fight against corruption in St. Petersburg created Interagency Council on Anti-Corruption in the Executive Branch of the Government (The order dated 17.02.2009 № 203; were we wrong?), see the Board in the diary of St. Petersburg on March 16, 2009 № 9(220), a surname there 1:1 the ones that to us answered above…
Why ask and request everyone, if each responded (not answered) personally?
The overall picture of St. Petersburg will give the key: «The higher ranks of St. petersburg are the participants scam five-year plans», 13 www.FORUM.HELP.SU
To understand that they do not know anyone, will help two facts: in 2007, in the midst of searching (information was received in Moscow to all at the end of October 2007) in the Anichkov Palace, starting from November 2007, press center and the headquarters of the «United Russia» in the State Duma elections is working hard; in the Election of the President in the Palace was just a press center; Putin and Medvedev personally spoke there… Do you think after the meetings, fighting on the Elections they don't eat or drink?… such events are celebrated for the greater glory of the Tsar and the Party, that do not take a taxi…
Key: Anichkov Palace United Russia
Badly do not think of us, that we collect the rumors and gossip; in America just have the Internet; we typed on the keyboard the key: Anichkov Palace United Russia and on www.STOKMAP.RU we read «EDRO (United Russia) in the palace», the regional leaders these are Gryzlov and Matvienko, she's pre-election staff of Dmitry Medvedev (www.KADIS.RU), they tear the throat for the people and none of them remembered about the CHILDREN!...
- The system «Potok» (GAI checks in the automatic way), catches troubled friends, «The system is turned off» (Translator's ноте: «Potok» is the system of license plate recognition of car. For sacred M. Kirilenko, this system does not work).
- The system «Flag» and this type of Technical management, «The system is turned off».
- We asked the security service of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, we did not expect a super response, we were working out of habit to the end; was the answer? no, we ask again to confirm,
because an important issue. The second answer: when they (LLC «Childhood») poisoned Space Academy, the request was, and quickly prepared for the Minister of Defence, and then SILENCE…
We advise you to seek information on the Internet by keywords and not on the links,
because many links become obsolete, or the information is deliberately destroyed. Back to the text of the article.
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