All is quiet in Baghdad
We have seen and everyone is excited, as everyone is looking for hundreds of train cars of potatoes... what happens on the fronts and construction of the shock five-year plan from the invisible beings, who are disappeared; how they lived and live.
Key: Rublevka of St. Petersburg
We live in a social state and society of equal opportunities. Two moments from the life of the Kurortny District and we go back to our story…
In 2009, Valentina Matvienko sold with the help of own solution 144 hectares of land in the Kurortny District to the company "Northwest Invest" for 36 million rubles, i.e. for 250 thousand per hectare.
The actual value of land in the Kurortny District is tens of thousands of dollars for a hundred part; if you don't believe it, that see real estate in St. Petersburg, Kurortny District – key: Rublevka of St. Petersburg!
Accidentally firm-buyer belonged to son of Valentina Matvienko (fellow with a large criminal past, but mother with Yevgeny Primakov repulsed him from prison), so that all very happy.
But we are all equal, so to the heroes of Chernobyl a Fig sign (in Russia this gesture means a donut hole, the bursting of the bubble ) to the nose… If you are Interested, read www.JURKOM.RU/438 «Corruption in Russia» I. A. Stolbikov is writing to the President and others, appealing to the conscience, which is missing. In short, the epistolary heritage of St. Petersburg authorities for the last 7 years in the fight against Chernobyl invalids!
Key: Profitable hectares and an honest official N. A. Potapov
Do you know how many times Matvienko was near the reactor and how much she has curie?..
Matvienko and others not very cool, there are guys cooler than the President!!!
Read www.JRKOM.RU key: Profitable hectares and an honest official N. A. Potapov. The «United Russia» threw away the person elected by the people from the post with the force of courts, the checks, threats of life, including for his resisting of the sale of lands of rural settlements (property of the inhabitants of the settlements) 1.5 hectares per 937 Russian rubles, but everything is permitted to «United Russia», they finished off the man… He sends letters to the President and the Prime Minister, everything is on the Internet, but they hear him, like all!...
Key: fires in Kurortny District of St. Petersburg
To fully understand the Kurortny District, it is necessary to take key: fires in Kurortny District of St. Petersburg…
we are taking a recommendations, we are going to the place and meeting with the detective: «What and how…», they set fire to the night and ran away into the forest, nobody saw machines, footprints in the woods a lot,… well, there are no versions, is no one looking for? And who will look for, smouldering ruins still warm, and from the Smolny the next day new owner with a heap of Resolutions and other Documents and begins to command, and sends all people to the court… Kovalchuk and others…
At night, go by the stars, the forest, the stars are seen bad, then only in azimuth, by the compass. At small distances is possible with a simple radio beacon and direction finder, not found of experts and equipment better, as in orienteering, we can't to talk about someone superficially, but all resembles of a confident hand of Kirilenko's friendly family…
Kirilenko - Senior: we have already talked about certificates of commendation before their escaping. Why are we talking about the senior and the Junior is on equal terms, everything just: except for schools, kindergartens.., nourishing fed all tourists, Rural camps, rallies, competitions and other activities, such as shared money, history is silent, but the rest part is below…
Key: springboards broken author Boris Oskin
We wrote about 150 million rubles for tourists Peter in 2006 through Gubanenko, about deputies in the village Molodezhnoe is also; gang offense is committed, but they are gods and even higher… on the site of the Accounts Chamber, where the money of children is «Irrevocably lost» in 2008, we find funding for children's health camps «Zarya», «Solnechnoe», «Molodezhnoe» on tens of millions of rubles www.KSP.ASSEMBLEY.SPB.RU
subsidies through «Solnechnyj» - 7.443.039 of rubles; preparation and repair of children's recreation camps «Molodezhnoe» - 7.670.000 of rubles; «Solnechnyj» - 33.800.000 of rubles; «Zarya» - 12.600.000 of rubles (The order of the Committee of education of March 4, 2008 № 296), there is an active investigation, we are wrong again...
press writes about them www.VPPRESS.RU/news/2008/11/18 key: springboards broken author Boris Oskin, many other great and glorious deeds, you can read about this criminal group on the Internet forums of victims, poisoned, parents and ordinary people, but we not going to bore You, to intrigue, to surprise…
The crown of activity this is an excerpt from the site www.ZAKS.RU of 25.02.2010 13:15 in category news: The authorities of St. Petersburg named the best customers and suppliers 2009. Awarding of winners was held in the framework of the opening of the exhibition «State Order of St. Petersburg – 2010». Piece of text: The best of customers government agencies was recreational and educational center «The Baltic coast» and Memorial Museum «Saint Isaac's Cathedral», we won't mention who's boss in GOU «Baltic coast»…
A near kinsman, a namesake continues to work under another name of company, machines and people work in «Junost (Youth)», «Specpitanie (Special food)» and other organizations, accomplices got own small private businesses, but sometimes they work together, they are constantly in the vicinity of the Committee of Economy and other, prepare for themselves worthy successors from the relatives…
Alexander Kirilenko, year of birth 09/07/1981, St. Petersburg residence, he puts forward his candidacy for deputy of the Municipal Council of the village Molodezhnoe, in 2004, because temporarily not working... does not pass.
But he really wants to serve people, like all in the family and in the next election he was director of «Green House», you will find confirmation on the website of the St. Petersburg election commission for 2009. LLC «Green House» and LLC «Helios» are related companies. «United Russia» is celebrating there all political meetings and Election victory in Zelenogorsk, and Kirilenko Sasha is one of restaurateurs; how they can find each other, if only under the table, in the «M» and «F» (in the men's and women's toilets)…
They congratulate each other with a victory, they swear to faithfully serve the people, they have a booze and a snack…, in the morning they do not remember that said, when they were drunk until new elections!
By the way, on the site www.RUSSIA-HOTELS.RU/response/ there is a review about «Hotel Helios» from 08.12.08 Company «Unior PROFESSIONAL Tools» spent a dealer conference with 22-24.08.2008. In total 69 people, mass poisoning (salmonellosis), hospitalization into the hospital named after Botkin, we think they were eating meat after the Academy named after Mozhaisky, where is Onishchenko (the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation) watching?, Police department?,…
«Helios Hotel» was taken away by raider from trade Unions of St. Petersburg in collusion with the leadership of trade Unions of St. Petersburg, documentation in Arbitration. Paper and pockets will endure all, but who gave them the right to evict living people?!... watch online
Moscow Rublevka can not be compared with «St. Petersburg Rublevka»!
Key: GOU Baltic Coast, Chernyakhovsky 49a, Ice Palace was frozen to the city budget
In any search on the Internet the one word, as the key, raises the curtain and the whole layer of the events and destinies. Let's try to do it and we are with you. Key: GOU Baltic Coast we input already... but it's events within the organization; but what around.
Who are friends, enemies, bystanders, residents at this address… key: Chernyakhovsky 49a… The premises are given in the operational management of GOU «Baltic Coast». Who are under the roof M. M. Kirilenko?
There are many organizations and firms both old and new… attention to security firms and firms a lot… It leads to the fact that the main object is the Ice Palace, fans SKA (Army Sports Club) rejoice in the forums and praised the graduates Lesgaft (University of Physical Education, Sport and Health) for the maintenance of order in the stands during the matches: «They paid money but they are not allowed to be by fans, as it should!, emotions more at the TV and sports bar than in the stands…»
They do not know anyone, but key: Ice Palace was frozen to the city budget www.KADIS.RU www.KOMMERSANT.RU The only one subsidized (it is supported at the expense of the citizens); Are this organization not know who works there (the Stock Company of cultural and sports facilities in St. Petersburg and the city authorities)?!... they give away 60.000.000 of rubles and more of our money and they don't know whom they give away it, such incidents in St. Petersburg...
Here disco of the 80's is and.., official events with the participation of Valentina Matvienko and Vladimir Tyulpanov, hence, without collaboration with FSO (Federal Custodial Service of Russian Federation) has not been; FSO is well aware of the protection in the face of the first persons (Federal Custodial Service of VIPs)… Labutin skiers brothers are active… we found… Historian E. Tsiperson writes that Valentina Matvienko arrived in her youth to «Zapoljarny Mart (Polar March)», where she first met the brothers Labutin… they confirmed it in other articles personally, i.e. security guards know personally, and vice versa from the government's juvenility…
There are many economic plans and projects, but the main force - «Progal» (estate agency), trade of real estate, great strides in the suburban real estate market (up to 47% of sales volume in St. Petersburg, well done!)
If we compare the surnames inhabitants of the «Progal», the «Baltic coast», the «Anichkov Palace», then immediately are noticeable nepotism, ancestral roots, that is commendable …at one of the sites: at Chernjahovskij (street) «Progal» like the horse for Kotovsky (G. I. Kotovsky is a Soviet military and political leader, participant in the Civil war).
Vice Governor A. I. Vakhmistrov was awarded «Progal» the honorary diploma... Climbers carry out activities in the «Molodezhnoe», fans of Jastrebinoe lake… In short, all is quiet, there are searches hundreds of train cars with children's potatoes, detention, interrogations; they are straining one's voice before the election... preparing to put forward Kirilenko Misha in Russian Presidents!.. we are pleased to support by whole country!...
Key: Orlinaya Gora (Eagle mountain) of Lesgaft Tact
Р.S.: on these pages of the case there is a phrase, that will be strange dramatic events on Orlinaya Gora (Eagle mountain) in St. Petersburg; it was clear from the stories of grandmothers on the bench. We do not going at skiing, but we searched for the sake of curiosity key: Orlinaya Gora (Eagle mountain) of Lesgaft Tact… Igor Levitin, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, he jumped so in Sochi on the disclosure of countries winning the 2014 Olympics, that he could break records without a run and the pole vault of V. Brumel(1) and S. Bubka(2) both of them on the first try…
It was announced and the construction of Olympic facilities in St. Petersburg, and before it, has begun the destruction of people and tenants on Orlinaya Gora (Eagle mountain), Kirilenko Sr. was in this case, too, because he personally involved in the Sports Committee of skiing and ski jumping; and the killings were by the case, drove out the tenantry with police forces, theft of personal property in the state of law, statements were up to the Prosecutor General of Russia, but all, as usual…
But this is construction, not baby food, on whose conscience loss company «Tact», including and M. M. Kirilenko
…Hundreds of millions…
«Oh, Kisa, we are strangers to this celebration of life»
(Translator's Note: Quote from the novel «The Twelve Chairs» writers Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov. The phrase used to express anger, sadness at the sight of another's joy, fun)…
Meaning of words:
(1) V. Brumel and (2) S. Bubka - athletes-champions of the USSR. (1) - Valery Brumel - high jump, (2) - Sergey Bubka - high jump with a pole.
We advise you to seek information on the Internet by keywords and not on the links,
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